5 Times Chelsea Handler Pushed Instagram’s Nudity Limits
She very naughty while following the rules!
January 20 2021, 1:50 am
By ScrollFiend Staff

Chelsea Handler is willing to go to great lengths to make her followers laugh! The beautiful comedian is known for her unapologetic sense of humor but she is a master of keeping her NSFW pictures safe for IG. Here’s a look at some of her best semi-nude pics and how she squeaked by the social media censors.
Crack In The Mirror

Tip #1: use reflective surfaces!
Handler recently got cheeky on IG when she shared a stretchy pic of her in a Pilates reformer. The comedienne used the pic to make a quick joke on January 16 about the end of President Trump's administration (she's a very anti-Trump). "Home stretch. Get it? 5 days until we have a new administration and we can all take a deep ducking breath," she joked in the caption of her post.
The real reason for the pic was to show off her well-sculped backside that just so happened to be visible in the mirror behind her.
Play On Words

Tip #2: Keep the bush covered with a bush.
Sometimes all it takes to spread holiday cheer is a little play on words. Chelsea raised the spirits of her millions of followers by gifting them a quick look at her bush. "From my Hanukkah bush to yours, have a Happy Hanukkah! A Merry Christmas! A Happy Kwanzaa! Whatever you’re celebrating this season, remember that Four Seasons Total Landscaping has you covered for all of your grooming needs," she wrote in early December.
Peach Perspective

Tip #3: Crack fruit jokes and use emojis.
Camera tricks are extremely popular on social media but depth perception is still one of the most used risqué photo techniques today. It's simple, something closer to the camera looks bigger than something farther away. In Chelsea's case, she used the technique on a photo that was just peachy... literally! Her assistant held up an actual peach (not the emoji... that's part of the joke) to cover up her peach. "we can scrap that glutes goal. It turns out...I’m an actual peach!" she wrote in August.
Classic Censor Bar

Tip #4: Stick to the classics.
Being a good influencer means creating content for every holiday or special occasion... including No Bra Day! Handler helped spread breast cancer awareness by ditching her restrictive bra before she headed out to work. "Headed out! Don’t forget to self check ladies. #NoBraDay #BreastCancerAwareness" she wrote alongside her post. Notice that she went with the classic black censor bar. It always gets the point across... sometimes two points!
The Handbra/Respect The Rules

Tip #5: Disrespect the rules.
Handler is no stranger to angering the Instagram gods but through trial and error she has figured out how to navigate the strange/prude rules. She really rubbed it in the IG admin's faces after they took down a pic that apparently showed too much nip. She used the handbra technique and made sure that there was nothing that could get her follow-up post taken down. "See guys, I respect rules," she joked while rubbing it in back in December 2019. She's been fighting the good fight for many years!